yangpliu.github.io - Yang P. Liu

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This is the academic homepage of Yang Liu (I publish under Yang P. Liu). In September 2018, I started a PhD at Stanford University in mathematics, and am advised by Aaron Sidford . Before attending Stanford, I graduated from MIT in May 2018. I am broadly interested in mathematics and theoretical computer science. My research focuses on the design of efficient algorithms based on graph theory, convex optimization, and high dimensional geometry ( CV ). My research was supported by the National Defense Science

Optimal Sublinear Sampling of Spanning Trees and Determinantal Point Processes via Average-Case Entropic Independence , FOCS 2022 Nima Anari, Yang P. Liu , Thuy-Duong Vuong

Maximum Flow and Minimum-Cost Flow in Almost Linear Time , FOCS 2022, Best Paper Li Chen, Rasmus Kyng, Yang P. Liu , Richard Peng, Maximilian Probst Gutenberg, Sushant Sachdeva

Links to yangpliu.github.io (1)