yachtchartercape.co.za - The Business of Boat-Building in Cape Town

Description: Boat-building in South Africa has had a long history that has seen its ups and downs because of outside forces like the global recession. Most of the boat-building companies are found in Cape Town and export their products around the world. South Africa is known for being one of the global leaders in boat-building.

south africa (3070) cape town (1021) catamarans (119) boating in cape town (1) boat-building industry (1)

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In 2002, the boat industry in Cape Town , South Africa was booming. There was always a sailboat, catamaran, yacht, kayaks, or jet boats cutting through the sky blue waters or Cape Town’s harbor. There were also chartered tours, sailing trips leaving to make an Atlantic crossing to Europe or the U.S. as boats were being delivered to their new owners or going for a fun run by its current owner.

South Africa and its boat-building industry were flourishing with an average growth of 20% to 25% a year.  During that time because of the low cost in labor and low exchange rate of the country’s currency, the boat-building industry was earning more than R600 million with an output of 150 to 180 boats a year. Orders for luxury yachts and catamarans were being placed from around the world but the momentum was suddenly struck down with the global recession in 2008.

Fortunately, South Africa has been able to retain its global reputation as one of the leading boat-builders in the world. They are known for quality boats at cheaper prices instead cheap boats with inferior quality. They continue to receive orders that allow many of the companies to stay in business.