xtraordinaryzine.carrd.co - X-TRAORDINARY zine

Description: The official carrd for the X-TRAORDINARY zine.

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About Contributors Schedule FAQ Shop Updates Welcome to the official Carrd for X-TRAORDINARY: AN X-MEN CHARITY ZINE This is a charity zine in celebration of the X-men! This zine is about celebrating differences and shining a light on all mutants in a positive and self-uplifting way! This zine is a collaborative project and we will donate all of the proceeds to ILGA (the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association). If you want to know more about them and what they do, you can do so

About X-TRAORDINARY: AN X-MEN CHARITY ZINE: Hello, my name is Viv, I am the main moderator/host of this zine! I decided to organise X-TRAORDINARY because I've been a long time X-men fan and ever since I first got into the fandom I've felt like there was a lack of fan-projects. I want to change that. This is a project that I have been wanting to do since 2018 but never got the time to, until now. With the upcoming introduction of the mutants into the MCU, I've noticed that more and more people are joining th

The connection between X-men and exclusion/discrimination is well known. The X-men comics (movies and TV-shows) have always made a lot of people feel seen and understood. Many of us can connect to the struggles of the mutant kind and a big factor in the appeal of X-men is the “embracing yourself as you are” aspect of it. We believe self-love is always worth promoting and we want to do that through this zine as well! For this zine we want to shine a light on all the mutant characters in a positive and self-u

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