xplorgames.no - The Xplor Games | www.xplorgames.no | Oslo

Description: Welcome to Xplor, the home of two exciting interdisciplinary board games - Xplor World and Xplor Poles. Our games feature packs of cards for Animals, Fruits, and Quiz, making them perfect for curious kids who love to explore the world around them. With the help of the world's greatest explorers, my games are designed to be fun and educational, allowing children to learn about geography and history. Start exploring today and unlock the wonders of the world with Xplor!

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0 unlock learning Welcome to Xplor, the home of two exciting interdisciplinary board games  "Xplor World" and "Xplor Poles". Our games feature packs of cards for Animals, Fruits, and Quiz, making them perfect for curious kids who love to explore the world around them. By immersing the players in the feats of the greatest explorers, my games are designed to be both fun and educational, allowing the participants to learn about geography and history. Embark on your exploration today and discover the wonders of

OUR curiosity academy  Seeking to enrich your educational programs or leisure activities? Discover our cutting-edge workshops. From a workshop on nutrition, 5 senses, chocolate, exotic fruits, and animals of the world, those of the Arctic and Antarctica, to quizzes - there's something for everyone to satisfy the curiosity of your children or students. Tailored to accommodate various age groups and environments, such as kindergartens, schools, libraries, and retirement homes, our workshops present engaging a

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