xn--annalenafrhlich-itb.com - Annalena Fröhlich JAMES - Annalena Fröhlich / JAMES

Description: Fröhlich's artistic practice moves across a broad spectrum of media, ranging from sound, performance, choreography to video art. A multi media Gesamtkunstwerk between everyday life and glitch, that exists both in the physical world and in virtual spaces.

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Fröhlich's artistic practice moves across a broad spectrum of media, ranging from sound and sound design, performance, choreography, a virtual playground to video art. a multi media Gesamtkunstwerk between everyday life and glitch. Inspired and driven by contemporary discourses, Fröhlich aims to radically deconstruct certainties, binaries, beats and images. In particular, the image of the female body in the age of social media, censorship, and pornification and its deconstruction drives much of her late wor

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24.03. Dachstock Reitschule Bern