xid32.github.io - Xingjian Diao

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I am a Ph.D. student at Dartmouth College, advised by Prof. SouYoung Jin . I focus my research on Video Understanding as it has numerous practical applications that can benefit society in various ways. I am excited to carry out advanced research focused on training sophisticated, trustworthy, and high-quality machine learning models that can better interpret and comprehend the visual world.

Prior to Dartmouth, I earned a Master's degree in Computer Science from Northwestern University (2021), advised by Prof. Nabil Alshurafa , and a B.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh (2020).

I am currently a Ph.D. student at Dartmouth College, advised by Prof. SouYoung Jin . I focus my research on Video Understanding as it has numerous practical applications that can benefit society in various ways. I am excited to carry out advanced research focused on training sophisticated, trustworthy, and high-quality machine learning models that can better interpret and comprehend the visual world.

Links to xid32.github.io (3)