xep.com - XSL-FO, XML to PDF, PostScript, AFP, HTML, SVG, Print - RenderX

Description: RenderX's open-standard (XSL FO) software tools (standalone or pluggable) for digital typography transform XML to PDF, PostScript, SVG, AFP, and print.

xml (3136) pdf (1755) xsl fo (14) xep (5) renderx (4) visualxsl (4) ditype (4) xml to pdf (4) xml to postscript (4)

Example domain paragraphs

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CloudFormatter is a complete installation of RenderX XEP in the Cloud. A small client-side application is used to bundle and send your document to RenderX's Cloud which returns PDF.

Now our users can leverage the best formatting solution for their documents while eliminating the complexity in installation, integration, and setup. Simple client-side code can accept XML+XSL or XSL-FO. The client-side application can bundle all images referenced in the document and sends to a remote formatter via a web message, returning resulting PDF directly to your application. RenderX's CloudFormatter is the ideal solution for on-demand formatting of documents to PDF. Learn more...