x410.dev - X410 - X Server for Windows 10 and Beyond

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When you need X410, you can effortlessly install it from Microsoft Store . You don't even need to worry about updating X410 to its latest version; Windows automatically keeps it up to date!

Once X410 is installed, it's ready to be used with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) , SSH X11 forwarding or in any situation that needs an X-Window server. We carefully prepared the default settings in X410 to accommodate most usage cases, but you can of course easily adjust them to fit your workflow.

If you don't want to or cannot use Microsoft Store, we also offer a Standalone version of X410 . The Standalone version has the same core functions and features as the Microsoft Store version, but it's packaged in a traditional executable-style installer and doesn't require any Microsoft account.

Links to x410.dev (3)