wubsyb.github.io - WUBSyB - Würzburg Unseminars in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

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Würzburg Unseminars in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology are participant-driven meetings that give members of the bioinformatical community a possibility to connect with each other in an informal and casual way. WUBSyB, heavily inspired by Heidelberg Unseminars in Bioinformatics , make use of interactive formats like BarCamps , World Café and Hackathon/Codefest to bring them together (more details in Budd et al., PLOS Comp Bio, 2015 ). Most importantly unseminars should be fun, entertaining and informative

The WUBSyB unseminar series was started in 2015 by Konrad and used to happen every fourth Thurdays of a month at 17:00 in the Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology . It is currently on hold but might be revived anytime, stay tuned.

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