writingistestifying.com - Writing Is Testifying – The story of one is the story of everyone

Description: The story of one is the story of everyone

Example domain paragraphs

Periodically facing important clinical tests such as CT scans to determine the development or otherwise of those cancer cells that roam my body gives me a state of anxiety that feeds that feeling of suspension that now characterizes my unstable times.Every time, every three or four months, or five or six, it’s like embarking on a stage race in which you have to find out … Continua a leggere To Be or Not To Be

We are but pieces of a puzzle in the boundless infinity of time.Each piece has the task of completing its part of the picture, and no matter how worn, used, discolored, scratched that piece is, it has its place and cannot be deprived of it.Indeed, if it is true that, by itself, no piece can give the complete image, it is also true that that … Continua a leggere Incompleteness

There is in the night the promise of a shelter, a welcoming nest that turns off the lights of the day and satisfies the silence of the heart.No promise, however, can be kept except in the individual and unanimous commitment to build, step by step, foundations suitable for resistance, without the passion that invades the meaning of the day as well as the night of … Continua a leggere A Promise in the Night