writeonwithdaveprice.com - Talking 'Bout My Generation | How the Formative Years of the Baby Boom Experience (1945 to 1985) Changed America and Continue t

Description: How the Formative Years of the Baby Boom Experience (1945 to 1985) Changed America and Continue to Influence Our Nation

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Hello. My name is Dave Price and I’m the creator, curator, and chief content producer for Talking ‘Bout My Generation , a project which deals with some of the most important events, people, ideas, and topics from the first 40 years of the Baby Boomer Experience that changed, helped shape, and continue to influence the America we live in today.

History tells us the Baby Boomers are the large generation born between 1946 (the 1st year after World War II) to 1964 (the year the Beatles came to America). However, for the purposes of Talking ‘Bout My Generation , I have changed the initial year of the Baby Boomer Experience to 1945 (the year the dropping of the first atomic bombs in history on Japan ended World War II and sent American home to father all these babies) and extended the ending date of the formative years to 1985, the year the last of the

Since I Was born in 1952, I have been around to personally witness all but the first 6 years of Baby Boom times. When I retired from the 9-to-5 work world in 2017, I decided to use the skills I had developed in my 12 years in journalism, 20 years in high school English teaching, 5 years as as teacher trainer and instructional coach for the Talent Development Program of Johns Hopkins, and 4 years as a DC-based national educational consultant to create and operate the project. (And yes, for those of you who k