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Many people and communities have come together to carry out this research and contribute to the website. We belong to many spheres of life, from makers to academics, from museums and art galleries to botanical gardens and sustainable land management centres, from craft and trades promoters to other related groups. We are also a part of a longstanding historical community of basket-makers, basket-researchers and basket enthusiasts who have been renewing and recreating this kind of practice and research from

[read the full story] Weaving for Recovery Weaving for Recovery grew out of the links between Woven Communities, the Everyday Lives at War project at the University of Bedfordshire, and basket-weaving group Basketry and Beyond. Following our second symposium in January 2017, retired hospital specialist and basketmaker, Tim Palmer, … Continue reading “Weaving for Recovery”

One of our main partners, the Highland Folk Museum, has recently taken on two workers to document and conserve their vernacular organics collection (i.e. biodegradable objects like baskets).  The museum has taken on a documentation Assistant, Helen Pickles, and an … Continue reading “New basketry developments at the Highland Folk Museum Summer 2017”

Links to wovencommunities.org (3)