- Work 4 Coffee

Description: In support of the Hour of Code, I donate a few hours a year to mashup great online training with SofTutor to build the next hour of code Free SofTutor download to all students, schools, anyone who wants to learn coding. SofTutor / Microsoft channel 9 mashup to teach kids. Content property of their original holders.

Example domain paragraphs

Nothing motivates me more than a good cup of coffee. If you have something you want and need my help, there's almost no better way to get my attention than with a good cup. I prefer Island or African coffees, light roast to me brings out the rich flavor. I like it black with no sugar or cream to mess it up. -- Randy Hilgers, Founder - , SofTutor Learning , , ,

Finished v3 (12/17/14) of MSDN was 70+ titles next update 6 mths or so.

SofTutor for MSDN - I wanted to learn c# better. Usually I sketch the ideas out and Jack takes the ball and runs with it. Although from time to time I want to tweak something myself so I hack their code to test my ideas. I stumbled upon, Bob Tabor's free training on channel9, downloaded the content and linked it into SofTutor Enterprise to teach me then I thought, why not just link the original content into SofTutor, a few tweaks later we have the proto type for v3.5 sure enough, be cool to have v4 but its