wordsthatjangle.com - Words That Jangle

Description: The place where I write to find out what I would write about if I were writing.

Example domain paragraphs

I once again today did not go to Walmart . (I just checked to see if that's still spelled with a star in the middle. Apparently they've changed to a sparkly thing at the end. My keyboard doesn't have one of those, either.) I try to avoid Walmart when I can and buy from local stores, but this is not to say that I haven't spent hours of my life wandering up and down the Walmart aisles looking for THETHINGTHATWILLMAKEMEHAPPY.

Never found it, but always felt like I might. Oh, I would find the jumper cables that I might need (Does Carm carry jumper cables in her car--maybe I should pick up some for her?) or the deal on a ceramic heater (I could really use that in the basement) or the really big bag of Twizzlers . But I never quite found the thing, the one that was what I really needed, the one that would make me complete, the one that was  THETHINGTHATWILLMAKEMEHAPPY. And really, once I realized what I was indeed looking for, it w

If I had gone to Walmart today, though, I would have tried to find Paper Mate Flair pens--just in case there were some of the old ones that had been left in a stock room and accidentally put on the rack.  For some reason the Sanford company changed the design this past year. The grippy ridges are gone, the pocket clip is rounded, the plastic is cheaper, the ink doesn't work as well and there's white script on the side that reads 'Papermate.' Really? I bought these things because they were one of the few pen