woolymossroots.com - Woolymossroots – simple joys

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May 31, 2023 by tarynkae Leave a Comment

It was March 17th. Solstice’s babies were 6 days old, and the tiny daffodils I adore so much were in bloom. Tiny goat babies and tiny daffodils seemed like a combination that somehow belonged together, and I had a sudden inspiration to take some pictures of that very thing. Yes, I had a long to- do list that day and there were many other things I could have been doing with my time, but the idea grabbed hold of me and I had to go with it. The adorable-ness of baby goats can inspire you to do all kinds of thi

So I got a tiny jar and a few daffodils, and set it down in the fresh straw. I crouched down with my camera and hoped that if I was patient enough, the goats would get curious about those flowers and wouldn’t be too shy of my strange camera pointed in their faces.

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