womenintensenft.art - WIN | Home

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Amplifying personal power of women and girls to accelerate inclusion and equity

Winning diversity & equity using the power of art is the strong objective of Women Intense NFT (WIN).Though women make up almost half the world, they are totally underrepresented in the socio-economic spaces. Women Intense NFT has been founded with a long term vision to powerfully communicate gender gaps in order to encourage girls & women to access more resources and opportunities to make life better or themselves, the community and the world. WIN as an entity has complete commitment & long term vision foc

Our Genesis collection, IWD Genesis, has been inspired by the UN Women IWD 2022 theme that is ‘Genderequality today for a sustainable tomorrow’. This one on one motion NFTs collection of five has the themeof linking women to the sustainability areas of Forest, Ocean, Land, Water and Air. Our genesis collectionis mostly for charity as we would contribute 80% of the mint to our three social impact partners ( GreenBelt Movement Africa, AFV Vietnam & NVA Sri Lanka) . The total supply is 125 ( 5x25 copies) and i