womaninamirror.com - Woman In A Mirror

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Ah…Valentine’s Day… the red and white, lace-edged, chocolate-covered day dedicated to love…  What a great opportunity to remind our loved ones just how much we care. I wonder, though, if we are somehow missing our most important Valentine of all, the one we see in the mirror.

Can we really love another if we don’t love ourselves? Can we give to others what we don’t really possess? I think most of us know how to express appreciation and affection to our loved ones, but what about ourselves? We try so hard to be loving to others, is it selfish to consider ourselves important too? I think it’s just the opposite of selfish. By caring for ourselves, we cultivate a healthy partner that has that much more to offer to our relationships. Let’s not lose sight of that.

If you’ve been paying attention to the retail advertisements over the past month, there should be no shortage of ideas of ways to say “I love you” to your sweetie… or yourself.