wofsg.com - World Of Seamen Group

Description: Интересует работа на круизах? Считайте, что она уже в кармане! Крюинговое агентство World of Seamen Group предлагает интересные вакансии на круизном лайнере от перспективных работодателей.

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Feedback The World of Seamen Group careers website MSC CRUISE DIVISION 41 vacancies MSC CARGO DIVISION 13 vacancies MARITIME SECURITY 4 vacancies Take the chance to become a part of our team The platform where goal-oriented people broaden their professional horizons. Recruiting program is free.

Today the MSC Cruises represents itself as an international, global company, which embraces the of branches in different corners of the world to offer various job positions to the international staff. Now the MSC cruise vessels are home for personal skills enrichment and development of the multinational crew members who share their invaluable knowledge and outstanding service, making the cruise experience of our guests unforgettable.

As MSC’s official manning agency in Ukraine we are looking for skilled seafarers meeting all required qualification levels to serve on board of the biggest container fleet in the world. Our employment process is free of charge and guarantees reliability and high quality solutions.