wo2-muziek.nl - Muziek voor ouderen: de voordelen van muziekbeleving

Description: Muziek voor ouderen: gebruik de kracht van muziek om je gezondheid en welzijn te verbeteren. Tips hoe je muziek voor ouderen in kunt zetten.

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World War II in Music  focuses on the meaning of music during World War II in the Kingdom of the Netherlands [the Netherlands, the former Dutch East Indies, Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles]. Banned music, music from camps, propaganda songs, and other works dating from World War II can be heard again on this site. The music, articles, films, photos, and numerous documents tell of the power and powerlessness of music, of life and survival with music.

"To the fighters for justice and peace. And to my boys who died for that justice." Composer Jan van Gilse, score opera "Thijl" (1938-1940) | About the compilation

Hans van Collem (1920-2010), the hidden power of a note Musician Hans van Collem found himself in the penal barracks at Westerbork a year before liberation. There he put together a Jewish male choir. “I thought, ‘We can’t let them destroy us. We’re going to sing,’” said Hans. During recreational hours in the afternoon and early evening, hundreds of convicts would come and listen to Jewish liturgical hymns and songs.   

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