witneymathstutors.com - Witney Maths Tutors - Individual Maths and Statistics tuition

Description: Individual Maths and Statistics tuition

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Types of calculator If you look on the internet or even on your local High Street, you’ll find that there’s a huge range of calculators available, costing from just a couple of pounds up to hundreds of pounds. So, which one is right for you or your child? What are the different types of calculator? […]

Answer the 10 questions below and you should be able to make sure you pick a suitable calculator, at the right price. 1 What do you want the calculator for? 2 Does your school have a recommended model? 3 Does your school sell calculators at cost? 4 What features do you need now? 5 What […]

As the GCSE exam period rapidly approaches, there will be many students throughout the UK worrying that they don’t know their subject as well as they ought to.  With competition for places in further education never more fierce and unemployment on the rise, there is a real desire to achieve good GCSE grades.  Maths is […]