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Louis Jacques Thénard (4 May 1777 – 21 June 1857) was a French chemist .

He was born in a farm cottage near Nogent-sur-Seine in the Champagne district [1] the son of a farm worker. In the post-Revolution French educational system, most boys received scholarships for education up to age 14, [2] and this allowed him to be educated at the academy at Sens . He then went at the age of sixteen to study pharmacy in Paris . There he attended the lectures of Antoine François Fourcroy and Louis Nicolas Vauquelin . He was allowed into Vauquelin's laboratory even though he was unable to pay

In 1804 Vauquelin resigned his professorship at the Collège de France and successfully used his influence to obtain the appointment for Thénard, who six years later, after Fourcroy's death, was further elected to the chairs of chemistry at the École Polytechnique and the Faculté des Sciences. He also succeeded Fourcroy as member of the academy. In 1821, he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences . In 1825 he received the title of baron from Charles X , and in 1832 Louis Philipp

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