withandalone.com - 100 Artworks Today: With And Alone

Description: With And Alone

art (55233) book (7830) ebook (1874) mike de sousa (62) with and alone (1) with and alone book (1) with and alone ebook (1)

Example domain paragraphs

I Am An Island, Full With Life

• The image of a person surrounded by the movement and colours of uncertain landscape, began as a study of someone floating beneath the surface of the sea. Here a person is both on their own, yet enveloped with the microscopic forms of life contained in every drop. Their head falls back, their eyes close, their toes point, their legs fold up towards their torso, not in pain, but in the midst of a powerful experience. Their right hand settles upon the shifting sands that give way. This image of a person alon

Part poetry, journal, biography, confessional, political and aesthtic manifesto, I ponder on a new thought every day. With And Alone accompanies the publication of the same name that considers art and beauty, love, loss, mystery, and music. Two entries follow... •