wisskomm2022.de - Wisskomm 2022

Example domain paragraphs

1. Systematic literature review (Chair: Jens Wolling) Lars Guenther, Susan Jörges, Daniela Mahl & Michael Brüggemann : Framing Climate Change: A Systematic Review Based on 25 Years of Literature 2. FFF as local actor and global network Anna Soßdorf & Viktor Burgi : “Listen to the science!” – The strategic use of scientific evidence by Fridays for Future activists Stephan Schlögl : Fridays for Future and the Transnationalization of the Public Sphere. A geography of communication on Twitter

Doubts about climate change: Mistrust and disinformation (Chair: Dorothee Arlt) Denise Voci & Matthias Karmasin: Sustainability Communication and Scientific Mistrust: Challenges and Coping Strategies Monika Taddicken & Laura Wolff: [Cancelled due to illness] Looking for online information on climate change ‘fake news’: Assessing the user’s search and selection behavior and how this is affected by user characteristics

Inhaltsanalysen der Berichterstattung zum Klimawandel (Chair: Dorothee Arlt) Hannah Schmid-Petri & Viola Korpowski: Die Darstellung Greta Thunbergs in der deutschen Printberichterstattung – Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse Annika Keute: „Who talks about Climate Change“? Eine Analyse der Interviews mit Klimawandel-Bezug in FAZ und SZ aus den Jahren 2005 bis 2021