wisdomstudios.com - Wisdom Studio/s

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Wisdom Studios is a private recording/production studio in the New Orleans area. Established in 1987, the studio was named after the owner's dog, 'Wisdom,' who exhibited an unparalleled intelligence and intuitive demeanor. Wisdom's legacy lives on in this studio and the works it produces.

The main room represents the perfect blend of comfort zone and performance space, giving new meaning to the phrase, 'in the mix.'

Traditional studio design emphasizes isolation and control, placing the artists in cubicles, being controlled remotely by an engineer in a picture window. Wisdom studios blurs the lines separating artistry, production, and participation, creating the kind of intimate environment in which people will listen to our clients' material. Our studio is literally and figuratively a 'living room.'

Links to wisdomstudios.com (1)