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For a while now I’ve wanted to do a ground-up rewrite of Command-T in Lua . After sitting on the back-burner for many months, I finally got around to doing some work on it. While the rewrite isn’t done yet, it is so close to being an "MVP" [1] now that I can talk about the new version without worrying too much about the risk of it being vaporware. So, let’s start.

This isn’t the first time I’ve written about Command-T on this blog. Back in 2016 I wrote about how I’d been optimizing the project over many years. As that post tells, ever since I created Command-T in 2010, its primary goal has been to be the fastest fuzzy finder out there. Over the years, I’ve found many wins both small and large which have had a compounding effect. If you make something 10% faster, then 10% more, then you find a way to make it 2x faster than that, and then you find a way to make it 10x

After all that, I was running out of ideas, short of porting bits of the C code selectively into assembly (and even then, I was doubtful I could hand-craft assembly that would be better than what the compiler would produce). There was one PR proposing switching to a trie data structure , which would allow the search space to be pruned much more aggressively, but at the cost of having to set up the structure in the first place; in the end that one remained forever in limbo because it wasn’t clear whether it

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