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Example domain paragraphs

"We would not design the pedagogy for the child to create an absence in the andragogy needs of the adult. We would not knowingly design the andragogy path of the adult to create an absence in the pandragogy needs of the lifelong learner. Similarly, we would not design the pandragogy principles of new learning to create an absence in the learning needs of a future humanity. Apithagogy is an inquiry into learning to discover the learning needs of a changing humanity as it learns about itself."

Often when developing new domains in the field of apithology the greatest surprise is how there are only one, two (or none) prior mentions of its central concepts. We search for word-phrases like ‘humanity nurturance’, ‘generative potentials’, ‘humanity inquiry’, or ‘the antonym of pathology’ – and have found in the past little of prior reference. From this process of checking…

They say that in public speaking, when talking about an unfamiliar topic to a diverse group, it is good to begin with a joke. Here is one that you may not have heard before:   “A humanist, transhumanist and a humanitist walk into a bar. The barman says: ‘What would you like to drink?’. The humanist says: ‘Yes, that is…