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I've started messing around with Micropython . I've used it with the ESP23 microprocessors but currently I'm more interested in using the Raspberry Pi Pico W . The ESP32 is swell and all but there are so many versions of the boards from different manufacturers that I've started projects on a board but then can't get more of the same board and the pin-outs are all different.

My most recent project is a temperature display unit that I called (rather grandly) Weather Station. It turned out to be a much less ambitious project in the end. I did have my first professionally produced PCB made for it, so that's something new... It's all on Github

Shotglass2 is my second version of a web site starter kit I made up and put on github . I wanted a way to quickly put up a little web site for myself or friends. It's created using python and the Flask web framework. Makes a site with a basic database, Users, Roles etc and a contact form with email.