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I'm a generalist Software and Electrical Engineer with experience ranging from circuit design/layout and microcontroller firmware, to backend servers and JavaScript frontends. Currently working as a Software Engineer at Estuary . I can be found on GitHub or LinkedIn , and you can reach me at [email protected] . Posts 16 May 2021 · A Player Controller with Airstrafe/Surf Physics in Godot Games in the Source engine have some interesting movement physics which permit tricks like bunnyhopping , airstrafing ,

6 May 2021 · A Tiny x86 Assembler Written in Scheme I wrote a self-hosting Lisp for fun. The main Lisp implementation isn't done enough to publish but I'm pretty happy with how the assembler/linker code turned out, so here's my x86 assembler written in ~300 lines of somewhat-readable Scheme.

25 October 2020 · Compact Representation of Church-Encoded Data A discussion of the most efficient ways of encoding constant data in the Lambda Calculus, where "efficiency" is measured in bits-per-bit when terms are serialized to the Binary Lambda Calculus encoding.