wildkoaladay.com.au - Wild Koala Day | Saving Koalas

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Koalas need forests more than they need money.  Governments have heard our calls to protect koalas, but instead of accepting the science and stopping the destruction, they are trying to buy us off with cash.

There’s been enough compromises. Developers and miners have made plenty of money from bulldozing our forests, money they have not passed on to the rest of us.  Government logging companies cut down our forests, even when they don’t make any money from it, just so that they can win elections. It’s time to say no more, while we still have koalas.

Developers: find land elsewhere. Rehabilitate old industrial or mining land.  Renovate old housing developments.  Native forest is not yours, it’s ours.  If we leave it up to you, it will all be gone.

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