wildfirepepperspray.com - Wildfire Hottest Pepper Spray Laboratory Verified

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Protecting yourself has become a thriving industry over the last three decades. Self-defense courses are a great idea, but it is going possibly take several months for you to get to the point where you can consistently defend yourself. Guns used to be the top choice, until it was learned that the attacker could easily get the gun away from the victim and he would use it on her. Remember, a lethal weapon to be used against your attacker can also be used on you.

The best choice is that you arm yourself with a non-lethal weapon and get trained on using it. The most popular non-lethal option is pepper spray. And the best is Wildfire Pepper Spray . The best scenario is you are never in a situation where you have to use it.

Pepper spray has an active ingredient referred to as OC or oleoresin capsicum . The OC is taken from Cayenne peppers which are some of the hottest peppers found in the world. Unlike MACE or tear gas, which are mainly irritants, pepper spray, also known as OC, is an inflammatory agent. Contact with the mucous membranes, which are the eyes, nose, throat and lungs, can cause immediate dilation of the capillaries. When this happens, there can be temporary blindness if the eyes are hit, coughing and wheezing if