wificfi.com - Free Aviation Lessons | WifiCFI

Description: wifiCFI - Where aviation comes to study! With free aviation lessons: All-inclusive, online study course for Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, CFI, CFII, Multi Engine, Checkride Lesson Plans, Teaching Courses, and more!

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study courses Ace your FAA Written Tests and Checkride Exams with our intuitive, all-inclusive, online study courses. From Private Pilot to Commercial, CFI and beyond, we have all of the lessons and tools you need to be the best pilot.

When we say "all-inclusive" we mean it! All courses cover all ACS/PTS Subject Areas and are taught in multiple formats: videos, podcasts, blog posts, lesson quizzes, flashcards, workbooks, audiobooks, FAA Written Test Prep, FAA Checkride Prep software and more!

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