wicketinaction.com - Wicket in Action

Example domain paragraphs

From time to time Wicket users ask questions related to how to deal with background jobs in Wicket. E.g. “How do I make Application or Session available to a background thread?” Or, “How do I deal with showing some progress information, or allow the user to cancel a background process?”. We have build a small toy project to illustrate a possible way to do those things. We hope this project could help people get started on rolling their own solutions.

The complete code of the application can be found at: https://github.com/reiern70/antilia-bits/tree/master/bgprocess . Feel free to just grab the code and use it in any way you please.

We start by defining an interface that represents a Task. i.e. some lengthy computation to be done in a background non-WEB thread.

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