whymindfulness.com - Why Mindfulness?

Description: A website dedicated to fact-based and sourced information on the health and wellness benefits of mindfulness meditation.

meditation (7016) stress (4911) mindfulness (3005) educational (1536) studies (464) mbsr (339) reduction (198) factual (49) informational (40)

Example domain paragraphs

Researchers from John Hopkins University found 47 trials that suggested that mindfulness meditation has the potential to help with anxiety, depression and pain. [1] This same investigation found that "meditation programs can result in small to moderate reductions of multiple dimensions of psychological stress."

Researchers found that, "meditation reduces pain through multiple brain mechanisms." [2] Additionally, the same study concluded that, "meditation engages multiple brain mechanisms that alter the construction of the subjectively available pain experience."

Researchers noted that mindfulness-based stress reduction, "is moderately effective in reducing stress, depression, anxiety, and distress, and in ameliorating the quality of life of healthy individuals." [5] This same investigation found that "meditation programs can result in small to moderate reductions of multiple dimensions of psychological stress."