why2011btv.github.io - Haoyu Wang (王浩宇) | why2011btv.github.io

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Greetings! I am a PhD student at the Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. Currently, I am working on event-centric NLP/NLU in the Cognitive Computation Group , following Prof. Dan Roth . I am also an intern at the Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence (AI2), adviced by Dr. Kyle Richardson . I am fortunate to be in close collaboration with Prof. Muhao Chen at USC and Dr. Hongming Zhang at Tencent AI Lab.

I was an undergrad at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学), majoring in Information Engineering from 2015 to 2019. My undergraduate thesis was on network traffic optimization with deep reinforcement learning, under the supervision of Prof. Lingge Jiang . I was a visiting student of the Natural Language Processing Group at UCSB in the summer of 2018, advised by Prof. William Yang Wang and Dr. Vivek Kulkarni . I did most of my undergrad research at the Machine Vision and Intelligence Group at SJTU, advised

I am interested in applying machine learning algorithms to problems in Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Networks. My ultimate academic goal is to design algorithms that are as cognitively capable as human beings in every meaningful dimensions.

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