whtt.org.uk - Home - Welcome Home Trust Tanzania

Description: Welcome Home Trust Tanzania. A charity based in the UK.

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Welcome Home Trust Tanzania are currently focussing on supporting the day to day needs of the Karibu Nyumbani orphanage in Tanzania. We have a strong working relationship with the orphanage’s co-founder Fiona Hendy.

Karibu Nyumbani currently cares for 20 children between the ages of 3 and 10 and has a long term vision to become a self-sufficient community. Welcome Home Trust Tanzania share this aspiration but in the short term our emphasis is on securing funding for the day-to-day essentials of the orphanage.

The longer term plan for Karibu Nyumbani is to grow the orphanage and to build a school to meet the needs of its children as well as serving some of the children from the local villages and the wider community. The building of the nursery which is the first stage of the school project has just begun and is currently being funded by an overseas donor and an overseas grant. Welcome Home Trust Tanzania recognise how important education is for the futures of the children and will support this venture as funds a