whrcheadquarters.org - World Human Rights Council – Training, Education and Research on Human Rights

Example domain paragraphs

For centuries, women all over the world have not only been denied full justice in social, economic, and political domains, but also treated as a weaker section. They have been used, abused, exploited, and ultimately discarded, often leaving them to lead immoral, impoverished, and destitute lives until their deaths. Despite constituting about half of the total population, women have contributed no less than men in national freedom struggles throughout history. However, they have been deprived of their fair s

Human rights are the basic rights of each individual in any part of the globe irrespective of cast, creed, sex, age, colour, status. It encompasses all social economic political, cultural anti-elements based on law of nature with the aim of ensuring justice, freedom and equality viz. individual and collective existence.

Agencies which implement human rights include United Nations (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights), National Human Rights Commission in different countries, Amnesty International, International Human Rights Movement and a number of NGO’s in different parts of the world Agencies which implement human rights include United NationsAgencies which implement human rights include United Nations.