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As of today, gitlab.freedesktop.org provides easy hooks to invoke the gitlab-triage tool for your project. gitlab-triage allows for the automation of recurring tasks, for example something like If the label FOO is set, close the issue and add a comment containing ".... blah ..." Many project have recurring tasks like this, e.g. the wayland project gets a lot of issues that are compositor (not protocol) issues. Being able to just set a label and have things happen is much more convenient than having to type

The goal for us was to provide automated handling for these with as little friction as possible. And of course each project must be able to decide what actions should be taken. Usually gitlab-triage is run as part of project-specific scheduled pipelines but since we already have webhook-based spam-fighting tools we figured we could make this even easier.

Registering a project Bugbot is part of the damspam project and registering a project can be done with a single command. Note: this can only be done by someone with the Maintainer role or above.