whiteshoe.org - The White Shoe Irregular | Our work here is done.

Description: The White Shoe Irregular is an online literary journal dedicated to publishing nontraditional forms of writing.

poetry (4183) fiction (3515) humor (2840) literature (1692) white (1116) shoe (347) in the dark (4) white shoe irregular (1) white shoe (1) congressional record (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Redactor's Note: The White Shoe Irregular is officially closed for business. Other projects are taking more of my time, and I'm tired of apologizing for infrequent updates to this site. Since July 24, 2000, we have published nearly 300 pieces by over 100 authors. I am proud of their work and intend to leave it online as long as possible. In lieu of new entries, the main page now features some of our greatest hits—a White Shoe Primer, if you will.

If you haven't made your way through our archives yet, please do so. You will not be disappointed. If you've read every piece on the site twice, we say, A third time wouldn't hurt. If you're on a slightly tighter schedule, here are a few of our favorite pieces to introduce you to the site. Enjoy.

Proposed Transcript of an Episode of MTV Cribs, to Be Filmed at My House [Ryan Hamilton | 31 December 2002] You can see we've got a refrigerator, a dishwasher, a toaster, a crock pot, and a George Foreman Grill. We use all of them from time to time…

Links to whiteshoe.org (1)