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A slot is a narrow opening or gap into which something can be inserted. The phrase is also used to describe a period of time when a particular activity can take place, such as an appointment or a conference. For example, a physician might have several slots available for patients to choose from.

The history of slots is closely linked to the development of the gambling industry. Initially, they were all-or-nothing affairs: the player yanked a lever and either all the cherries or lucky 7s lined up and paid out a jackpot or the machine simply gave the player nothing. Then, with better computer technology in the 2000s, casinos were able to precisely control the odds and percentage payback and develop games with a greater variety of features.

One of the biggest developments in slot games was the introduction of bonus events, which are activated when certain combinations appear on a payline. These can range from free spins to pick-em style games that offer players a chance to win cash and other prizes. Some bonus events even allow players to earn additional free spins. The popularity of these games has led to the development of slots with multiple paylines and many bonus events.