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I recently acquired “ Hacking APIs ” by Corey Ball ( https://nostarch.com/hacking-apis), as there has been an increasing demand for API-specific testing. I will say that the book exceeded my expectations, and I can confidently recommend it to anyone in the field. At the very least, it serves as excellent reference material, even if you are already quite familiar with APIs.

I mention the book, really as a way to make a comparison. At some point, while reading the book I was made aware of a free security course where the instructor was none other than Corey Ball himself. It seems that with the release of the book he also founded APISEC Univerisity ( https://www.apisecuniversity.com/ ) with an obvious focus on API security training. At the time of writing this, the only course available is “API Penetration Testing” although it does appear there are a few other fundamental course

Having completed the “API Penetration Testing” course I am left a little at odds with how I feel about its quality.