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I am a bit burned out and I need time to recuperate. Also, I have some other things I need to work on, including developing some other revenue… Posted on: Feb 04, 2023 User login Username Password Create new account Reset your password New Story

"A lot of people talk about the desirability of a global government, with themselves inevitably at its head, but the truth is a global government has already emerged, one that is the purest expression of democracy possible. The new global government is the people of planet Earth sharing the collective consciousness of the internet, finding out for themselves what they need to know, and then deciding what to do about it. Sadly, along the way, we have been forced to look into a mirror to see the true nature o

The Russian Defense Ministry said early Monday that Ukraine began a “large-scale offensive” by launching attacks along five sections of the frontlines in the eastern Donbas region.