whatevernevermind.com - Brad Barrish

Example domain paragraphs

Way back in the Before Times of 2015, I switched from sending out my annual playlist thing to individual people to using TinyLetter to publish them as a newsletter. Newsletters have come a long way since then and TinyLetter has kind of been frozen in time. This has largely worked for me, but when I attempted to send out this year’s playlist I found that for some reason I could not add links. I’ve been working exclusively on my iPad Pro this week, so that may have had something to do with the trouble.

I saw Sean had migrated his newsletter from TinyLetter to Paragraph recently. I had looked at Paragraph shortly before Sean made the jump and thought what they were doing was a great approach that embraced the decentralized web, focused on empowering creators and offered the ability to store everything on the permaweb . The transition was as simple as copying and pasting once I signed up and imported my subscribers from TinyLetter. I sent out my Selections from 2022 playlist to everyone a few days ago. Para

While you’re here, go ahead and sign up for the newsletter . You’ll receive one, maybe two, emails per year from me.