whatdrivesb2borganicgrowth.com - What Drives B2B Organic Growth? - The AIM Institute

Description: B2B organic growth research: This research by The AIM Institute shows what drives B2B organic growth: based on the insights of 540 professionals.

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What is B2B organic growth? B2B organic growth is the additional revenue and profitability as driven by new products, as opposed to by M&A when marketing to businesses that sell to other businesses. With that in mind, we began a search to understand the answer to the question, “What drives B2B organic growth?”

Want to drive rapid, profitable, sustainable growth at your company… and focus on what matters most? This original research taps over 10,000 years of combined experience from 540 B2B professionals. You’ll see which of 24 B2B organic growth drivers they deemed the most important, and which they were most eager to improve. Some of these drivers help you understand customer needs, some help you meet those needs, and some do both. Hint: A good strategy is improving how you understand customer needs.

After you check out the 24 growth drivers in this research report, consider benchmarking your company on the same 24 growth drivers… using our free B2B Growth Diagnostic .

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