wethepeoplerule.net - The New West | People's National Referendum Project

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    A few months before my 65th birthday I began to get deceptive advertisements from health insurance companies trying to sell me supplemental health insurance. Also I recently found that a private insurance company was involved in distributing medicare funds for healthcare whenever I received healthcare services; getting a cut of the monies all workers as well as myself paid into by Medicare- Medicade taxes being deducted from our paychecks. As an example of what the results of this Corporatization of the

The New West

The business and government leaders of this nation have proven themselves to be morally and financially bankrupt caring only about their wealth and status. Our fake democracy is bought and only those catering to the twisted will owner investor class whose only interest is maximizing their personal profits are chosen by money to maintain their scheme of collective narcissism like top feeding parasites on the cesspool they created. They have successfully  monopolized our means of trade of our goods and servic