westerniconangus.com - Western Icon Angus

Description: Western Icon Angus, Registered Angus Bulls, Cows, Heifers, embryos, frozen genetics

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Our focus at Western Icon Angus is to produce cattle that travel & excel on the range with no creep feeder assistance while delivering robust, high weaning weight calves. Our herd  stems from a powerful cow family with great udders, fertility, and disposition that consistently delivers superior performance year after year.

Hi-Impact combined a 70 pound birth weight with an adjusted 205 day weight of 717 pounds for a weaning ratio of 101, gaining 3.54 pounds per day for an adjusted 365 day weight of 1,283 pounds for a yearling ratio of 104 with a phenomenal %IMF ratio of 130 and an adjusted 365 day ultrasound rib eye area measurement of 15.1 square inches for a URE ratio of 113 with an adjusted 365 day scrotal circumference measure of 37 centimeters and a moderate 5.7 frame score.

This is a docile, long and deep bodied, low birth weight, easy fleshing, moderate framed carcass bull, that is stacked with maternal goodness covers all the bases and combines the optimum balance of functionality with performance excellence.