westernhistoryassociation.org - WHA - Western History Association Official Website News And Updates

Description: Founded in 1961, WHA or Western History Association exists to promote the study of the North American West in its varied aspects.

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WHA – Western History Association Official Website News And Updates Founded in 1961, WHA or Western History Association exists to promote the study of the North American West in its varied aspects and broadest sense. The Texas Chapter of the Great Western Cattle Trail Association is proud to announce the recipient of the first annual Young Texas Trail Blazer Award, Jeremy Richard McLain of Vernon, Texas completed a service project pertaining to the Great Western Cattle Trail. He is the son of Jerry and Karo

WHA member of the Boy Scouts Troop 87 chartered by the First Presbyterian Church of Vernon, McLains project was done as part of obtaining his Eagle Scout rank. The project of Video Oral History of the Great Western Cattle Trail took 9 months to complete. The project included identification of persons with extensive knowledge of the history of cattle in Texas, the Great Western Trail, Doan’s Crossing and the “Marking of the Western Trail” project by the Vernon Rotary Club.

Because of the surge of interest in the Great Western Trail there was a definite need for a method of compiling information about the trail, by collecting second hand information about the trail from historians and descendants of trail drivers and early day settlers. With today’s emphasis on visual as well as audio media, a useful tool was video recording of oral history interviews. Little of WHA work has been done regarding the Great Western Trail and McLain took this opportunity to preserve some of the tr

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