westbromwichmotandservice.co.uk - Top 2: Crossovers - West Bromwich Cars

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Crossovers have really taken off lately and there are some great options out there. As part of this weeks feature we are going to have a look at the 2 that we think get everything right, and they might not be the two you would expect. First up is a car from Volvo.

The Volvo XC60

The Volvo XC60 does all the things that a crossover should do. It is spacious, well suited to a variety of different driving situations and it comes with a load of safety kit. It is an absolute beauty on the motorway thanks to how refined it is, my mother in law literally has the voice of a mouse, if she ever spoke as a passenger in my old car, 9 times out of 10 I would completely ignore her for the lack of hearing her, but now on our long drives to see the family I can hear every word…. Actually, is that r