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Blum is fourth generation Fort Myers resident. She graduated from Riverdale High School in 2019, advancing through the IB program and qualifying for 100 percent of Florida’s Bright Futures funding. Her accomplishments have continued at FGCU, where she maintains a 3.53 grade-point average and is a frequent resident on the school’s Dean’s List. During her collegiate experience, she has been a presenter in marketing research for SunCoast Blood Centers and a student sales trainee in a professional selling cours

But marketing remains a career goal for Blum, and Spiro & Associates gives her the opportunity to build on that goal.

Sarah Melland was writing a screenplay as a third-grader, a children’s book as a fifth-grader and winning numerous English scholarships while in high school.  She is an accomplished author, publishing 10 books. Now, she takes those writing talents and accomplishments to Spiro & Associates as a writer and social media expert.

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