wellworthbeing.com - WELL WORTH BEING – Conscious Integration and Wellness Therapies

Description: Sometimes lost, always exploring, I believe that to travel well is better than to arrive. The modalities I use remind me of who I am and why I’m here and, in coming back to me I can guide you back to you on this beautiful pilgrimage I call your Soul Camino. Contact me to book…

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Conscious Integration and Wellness Therapy

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

My name is Penelope and I am a traveller of sorts, having walked the path of my own inner and outer landscapes of becoming and unbecoming as a therapist, coach, guide and teacher. Having studied continuously for three decades, I have come to believe that a life purpose is not something you choose but rather something that chooses you; a process that unfolds not through seeking perfection but in living from heart. I am an innately unconventional and highly sensitive individual with immensely powerful strengt