wellwithrads.com - Home | Physical Therapy - New York - Well With Rads

Description: Welcome to Well With Rads physical therapy. My individualized programs can help with everything from improved golf performance to regaining pre-baby bodies after childbirth.

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My name is Radhika (aka Rads)! I believe in healthy movement, optimizing posture, and empowering my patients and clients to feel strong and understand their bodies. With trust and compassion, I build custom programs to help them achieve their goals...

I was initially focused on bringing pilates into my weekly training routine when my wife introduced me to Radhika.  I’ve since learned she is much more than a terrific pilates instructor.  In 3 years I have never had the same session twice- each experience seamlessly integrates my goals with where my body is that day. Over time, Radhika has used a unique blend of pilates, PT and LPF to give me what always feels like the perfect customized workout. Radhika has also helped me to quickly bounce back from injur